30 Hotel Workers Share What Things They Wish Guests Would Stop Doing, And It’s Disgusting That They Have To Deal With Such Thing


Anyone who’s ever worked in the hospitality and service industries knows that customers come in all types: from the super polite to the mega annoying and entitled. And you’ve got to have a wide smile on your face at all times to make everyone feel welcome and cared for, even if you feel like you’re at your limit, emotionally. Thankfully, the internet is here to help us figure out how we can be better people as customers.

Case in point, one redditor asked hotel workers to share all the annoying and irritating things that guests do that tick them off. And, wow, they really didn’t hold anything back. From turning their rooms into pigsties and breaking things on purpose to treating the staff very rudely, these nightmare guests might just make you reconsider your career path.

Have a read through some of the best hotel worker stories below, upvote the ones that made you embarrassed the most, and if you’ve ever worked in the hospitality industry before, dear Pandas, we would absolutely love to hear your experiences. How did you deal with nightmare guests? Let us know in the comments.

#1What got to me most was the number of times I was used as an example by parents when their kids were misbehaving. For example, if I was cleaning the windows and a child was being noisy nearby a parent might say 'if you aren't good and don't listen you'll end up cleaning windows for your whole life like this man'. Completely dehumanising, demoralising, and just a bit of a s**tbag thing to do anyway. Happened so many times I lost count.
Image credits: sammo3

#2Worked a summer in spain (Gran Canaria) as a part of a 'new' kids entertainment program.

The s**t I saw was unbelievable, from parents dropping their kids of at 9AM and forgetting them to pick up at 6PM (or showing up drunk; which kind of forced me to ask the kid if he/she wanted to play some more untill their parents were sober). To kids just throwing stuff and hitting other kids because they lost a game.

In general the most annoying thing is parents just incompletely neglecting their kids, causing the kids to tear up because I have to tell them mommy and daddy aren't coming yet because they were stuck in traffic (whilst they were most likely on the beach drinking tequila). The thing that will always stick with me is a little girl who was on vacation with her parents and another couple (maybe uncle/aunt?). This girl got dropped off at 8AM, even though we weren't open untill 9, by a parent with a hangover and they didn't pick her up untill after the 'kids-show', which was from 830-930PM. Because of this the girl never ate with her family, causing her to miss meals a lot. This family stayed for two weeks and in the last week the mom (drunk of course) showed up at 10PM to pick this girl up, because I was getting kind of sick of the parents behavior I kindly requested her to drop the kid of on time, pick her up on time and for god sakes... eat dinner with her kid.

This woman just lost her s**t, screaming at me that I can't tell her what to do, that I should do my job and take care of her kid and that I should stop trying to steal her kid with gifts (I bought the girl a swimsuit from my own money because she didn't have one and we had 'swimming-games').

Next morning the kid shows up at my room, on her own, with a blue eye and her lip teared open (at like 7AM). I immediately take her to the head of the hotel, who called someone from the med-bay and the police. I tell the boss all that happened and that the parents were neglecting and beating their kid.

15 minutes later two drunk parents show up, screaming I should be fired for kidnapping their kid and that they are demanding a huge sum of money from the hotel.

I'm not sure what really happened to the girl (all​ though there were rumours the parents got sued for child neglect and she moved to her grandmother). After this happened the hotel gave me a paid stay at their hotel for the upcoming 3 weeks I was supposed to work there.
Image credits: coralus

#3T*ts instead of Tips

You'd be shocked at the number of female guests who think a flash is as good as cash. Sorry ladies but a glimpse of your knockers isn't going to help this bellhop knock out the rent next month.
Image credits: laterdude

Rude guests will pop up everywhere—it’s impossible to have only pleasant customers. How the staff deal with the rudeness and what the hotel’s service culture is can directly affect their finances later on. Being firm but polite with rude guests is a possible way to defuse entitlement.

Meanwhile, small witty signs in hotel rooms reminding guests to keep their rooms in an acceptable state could convince at least some of them to at least flush the toilet. Though, on the other hand, if they fail to do even that, a sign won’t change years and years of poor education.

#4Guests complaining about the size of the rooms and how everything is so basic.

You literally booked the cheapest hotelroom in the whole city. That's what you get.
Image credits: effinzebras

#5Sex. The amount of times a guest will have requested something, needed something fixed in their room or asked for room service, only to decide to f**k straight after they put the phone down; leaving me stuck outside the door with that extra set of towels or walking into a room to fix something and seeing more than I ever needed too.

Also bins are provided in bedrooms for a reason, stop leaving used condoms, lube packets, discarded toys just all over the bed and tables.

I get it, and dirty weekends away are awesome, just have a lil thought for the person who has to clean up the room after.
Image credits: OliverJamesIX

#6Any conversation that starts with a belligerent "I'm paying for the room"

Yes, we know. The concept of the hotel is familiar to us.
Image credits: dukeofbun

However, there is another side of the equation. Hotels must provide the best possible experience to have guests return and to keep their businesses afloat. Despite the difficulties they might encounter. That means grinning and bearing the weight of the world in some hotels, however much you might want to tell someone off.

Earlier, I’d spoken about the hotel industry and hoteliers with Dr. Gabor Forgacs from Ryerson University. According to the industry expert, the best hoteliers are unassuming, discreet, and highly knowledgeable.

“The philosophy of old school hoteliers, and I am one, still rules: we see everything, we know anything about our guests but never disclose anything, never reveal what we know and keep all that to ourselves,” he told Bored Panda.

#7I work at a hotel in a small, beachside Florida town. Our town has very little parking, and we advise our guests of this, especially during peak times that we (as well as the entire city and all other surrounding properties) will have to restrict parking to only one vehicle per guest.

I do understand that it's not always the best, but, people who've been coming here forever know that in high season there is no place to park, so they begrudgingly will find a way to carpool.

But, not everyone does. Often times, many locals will rent a room, and then invite everyone to come on over (which, in itself is a violation of our rules if you go over 6 registered guests), and of course, everyone has to bring their own car. Not happening, because if you bring more than one vehicle, you are taking someone else's spot.

So, of course it's the stupid sense of entitlement that somehow gets me that people from out of state (up to 1500 miles in some cases) can drive here in one vehicle, and yet you can't carpool from 50 miles away?

Our security officer got one lady one time. Of course, because she's a special snowflake who the rules do not apply to, she brought three cars on a sold-out day. We don't have room for that, you are on your own to try to find (if it even exists) off-property parking for your other two cars. Good luck.

Well, she's not having it. Of course, she throwing a fit about not being able to have two extra cars. Our security officer stood firm. Finally, the lady says "you're full of sh*t." The best response our security officer ever had to anyone: "No I'm not, I took care of that this morning. But thank you for your concern for my good health and regularity."

I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. He put her in her place, and she had no choice but to move her cars off property.

But, it's the sense of the rules don't apply to me, and so what if I inconvenience someone else, as long as it's not me.
Image credits: llcucf80

#8As a housekeeper currently on her way to work, I think I needed this thread to vent a bit.

Please answer the door. I know people don't want to deal with us and you want us to clean while you're not there, I prefer it too, but don't yell at me through the door. If you answer the door I just say hi do you want housekeeping now, if not what time are you leaving. The door between makes it much harder for me.

Don't refill those water bottles in the room with tap water. Honestly, we have a sign saying what it costs, if you don't want to pay for it just drink the f**king tap water you poured in the bottle. I check in every room if the seal is broken, and you get charged anyway.

3 Don't leave your DND on for the entire day if you want service. Housekeeping is only on 8-4:30, so don't take your sign off at 4pm and get mad when we can't clean your room. We put cards under each door that clearly states if you don't remove the sign by 3 pm, you can only get towels from front desk, not cleaning.

4. I could go on for days talking about this, but lastly please recognize I also want you to enjoy your stay. I love talking to nice guests and honestly if you are nice to me, I will go out of my way to help you out. Don't act like you are entitled to the universe because you're paying to stay at our mediocre hotel. Honestly, when people treat me in a friendly way, or tip me, I give them all the extra sh*t they could need. Specifically with turndown service, if you don't treat me like sh*t like half the people I talk to every night, I will give you like 6 of those little chocolates man.

May have to post more later, this is therapeutic to get out man.#9Was a hotel room cleaner: when guests put used untied condoms in the toilet, under pillows, under the bed, on the tea and coffee tray.. basically anywhere.

And not flushing the toilet. Its disgusting.
Image credits: yushoi

Dr. Forgacs explained that the main reason why a guest returns to a hotel is if they had good memories of staying there. “Not necessarily a gold plated doorknob or the extra skirt hangers in the closet; best memories are created through interaction with people. If service excellence exceeds expectations, guests always remember that,” he said that going the extra mile is always noticed and appreciated.

#10Worked hotel maintenance. If you accidentally break something in the room, be honest and let the front desk know. 99% chance you won't be charged for damage. It also gives maintenance a heads up to fix it at our earliest opportunity and not have to rush to fix it when the next guest finds the damage because the housekeeper didn't report it either.

Where I worked, if a guest reported the damage, they wouldn't be charged for it. If they just leave and don't tell anyone, they'd be charged a damage fee, usually about $100. Yes we can do that, it's on the paperwork you sign when you check in.
Image credits: anonymous

#11I worked in hotels years ago and the amount of people who order room service and answer the door scantily clad is astonishing. It's your room guy, if you want to lie around with your balls out that's totally fine just pls we give you a robe, throw it on before opening the door
Image credits: anonymous

#12Former housekeeper here. People would spit their chew into soda cans and leave them in the room. I would grab them and think they were full of old soda, dump it in the sink, and promptly would gag at the horrendous smell. I have a long standing hatred of people who chew now. Ya'll nasty.
Image credits: muciferthecat

Meanwhile, hotels that aren’t doing well financially ought to reevaluate their approach to hospitality, Dr. Forgacs said. “Languishing hotels need to take an honest look at themselves to understand the reasons why they can't create special memories.”

He continued: “Service culture is not built overnight; the way you hire, you train, and conduct yourself is crucial. Mistakes are made all the time; how you recover and show genuine care would make a difference.”

#13I worked as a hotel maid way back when

Guests not cleaning up after their 'fun times' (lube, condoms, other stuff)

guests not putting out their room service trays - leading to a tray crisis because no one could figure out where they were... also so much mouldy food.

Guests stealing toiletries from my caddy

Guests asking me if I spoke English, at a hotel in England. Now this one might sound fair enough, because I had one or two polish co-workers (who spoke better English than me to be honest), but it was mostly international guests who would just barge in to a room I was cleaning, not even say 'hello' or 'excuse me', just start the conversation with 'Do you speak English'.

which leads me on to

no pleases or thank yous - 'miss, I need another towel' oh ok I'll get that for you 'good, I'm going out leave it on the bed', yeah you're f**king welcome mate

and also

coming into a room I was cleaning. If I was in a room that was occuppied and I was just doing a general dust, I would always shut the door. For unoccupied ones, I'd prop it open so I could get to the caddy easier, which was apparently an invitation that I wanted a chat which was really...

complaining to me about things I have no control over. Like the bill. Look pal, I was paid £3.65 an hour for that sh*t, I don't care if you thought the hotel was overpriced. I'd have to work for 3 full weeks to afford one night at this place. Excuse me if I don't care. No I can't help the fact that the phone reception in here is bad, what do you want me to do, build a network tower? Eff off.

Of course, this was only a few guests. Most were usually nice older couples who came to my town for a lovely weekend away. And once there was a medieval themed wedding, and one guy dressed in the full assassins creed get up, it looked better than the costume from the latest film.#14I hate when guests treat every minor inconvenience like it's the ONE thing that ruined their vacation.

I read the feedback we get every single day and people give us horrible reviews because of things like "I had to wait a few minutes for the elevator" and "the noise level in the lobby was a bit high"? I don't get how people are so sensitive to the tiniest things! Like if you are that way at home, I feel bad for your spouse or whoever you live with because it's horrible to be around such unnecessary negativity.
Image credits: troubleshootsback

#15I work as a valet manager at a luxury hotel. Wedding parties that are obviously extremely wealthy who ask you to bend over backwards for them, park all of their cars, take sh*t loads of gifts and luggage to many different rooms, bring them wine and all sorts of food, order town cars and taxis for them, set up dinner reservations, put up with a bunch of their complaining and doing your best to accommodate them, and in the end no tip and no thank you.
Image credits: cosmiclightworker

Meanwhile, if it’s the hotel staff, not the guests, who are at fault, there are ways to make up for those mistakes. “Following up is a secret weapon. Comping, offering a discount or an upgrade for a mishap is what a typical hotel would do. The better ones will always follow up with the guest and on top of a remedy, tell their plan how the mistake will be prevented from happening again.” At the end of the day, it’s up to guests and hotel staff to both be better to provide a better level of service, and a better working environment.

#16This conversation:

"Hi, do you have any rooms?"

"No, sorry we're sold out."

"You don't have anything?"

"Nope. We're all booked up."

"I just need one bed."

"I'm sorry I don't have any rooms. I can call another hotel for you if you want."

"So.. not even the honeymoon suite or anything?"

"No, sorry. But like I said I can call another hotel if you want and see what's available."

"No that's fine."

Image credits: anonymous

#17We had guests open the mini-bar fridge, drink the beer, piss in the emptybottle, screwed/put the cap back on and went on their merry ways.

Next client (old gentleman with his daughter) took a swill of piss that day.

Thing is, we had no idea which previous clients did this, which sucked.
Image credits: MistahZig

#18Wedding parties and bridal parties. 9/10 the women are extremely high maintenance, trash the rooms , and never tip under any circumstance yet expect to be treated like royalty because "they're paying for their room " .

Goes the same way with Bachelor parties too, loud drunk obnoxious men who tend to start fights in the lobby. On the plus side the men seem to tip slightly more often.
Image credits: guitarsdontdance

#19Just being generally nasty/unsympathetic towards the staff is the thing that gets under my skin.

I work at a decently posh hotel, and some of the people who stay with us have their are so far up their own arse I'm surprised they don't see everything in brown sepia.

They complain that we're being rude to them when we can't do something like lower the price of drink for them since they're 'regulars' and as such should be treated better than everyone else. Sometimes it gets to me, I work for minimum wage and barely have enough to scrape by some weeks and you're complaining about the price of a drink when your company is paying for your stay anyway?

F*ck you big time.#20Alot of guests just assume we know who they are.

How am I supposed to know by face/name all 300rooms when I'm a bartender and seeing you for the first time.

Also the amount of people on checkout that try deny all room charges despite us having their signature on each one.
Image credits: jointkicker

#21Valet here.

When guest flat out EXPLODE on me at the front drive when I politely tell them they have to go one level down to get their vehicle as oppose to picking up out front. They are told this when they arrive.

I didn't build the hotel, I didn't place the office down stairs, I didn't place the key safe there, you know this!

Image credits: VagrantTrail

#22I start going through the spiel about amenities, breakfast, etc. and they either just say "Thanks" and walk away before I'm done, or say "yeah I know I've been here before" so I stop.

10 minutes later, they call, "hey, what time is breakfast? And when does the pool close?" Well s**thead, if you had listened the first time...
Image credits: anonymous

#23How about when you take a detailed room service order...Me: "no condiments for your burger and unsalted fries-are you sure that's all?...ok, I should have your order to you in about 35 minutes." You deliver their perfect order, on time, up 16 floors, making stops on 4 floors for other staff to cram on the elevator with carts of dirty laundry etc, after having to argue with the chef over adding swiss cheese and needing fresh fries with NO SALT, because he missed your special instructions in the ticket : / Guest suddenly needs ketchup, salt and an extra plate...Me: "no problem, be right back." (UGH). Down 16 floors, making stops on 3 floors, speed-walking to the supply room for needed items, nearly knocking over coworkers, knowing you have another 4 orders on the line near ready. Back up 16 floors, lucking out with no extra stops on floors yippee, almost in the clear and on to the next! (Hiding your panting and perspiration and ketchup stain on your shirt you acquired somewhere between the 8th & 10th floors). Guest: "Oh, thank you! You have change for $100, right? I know I said I was charging to my room, but I changed my mind." Me: "I'll have to go to the lobby for that, be right back." SUNNABITCH KILL ME NOW!!!#24I am a housekeeper at a nice, smaller sized, family oriented hotel in Atlantic Canada. It is a franchised property but is apart of a huge chain.

Bastard jackal children running up and down the halls. Some even like to knock on other guest's doors at 10pm and shout 'housekeeping!' They honestly think it's hilarious.

People just coming up to my cart and taking what they want. Towels, shampoo, etc. Just ask???

People staring at myself and my fellow housekeepers as if we are actual aliens. It baffles me how many people don't understand that we essentially keep a hotel running and they barely know we exist.

Don't ask me how much I make. don't ask me if my work is seasonal (???). don't ask me anything that is not related to your stay and general comfort.
Image credits: nicholaevna

#25Hotel pianist here, I hate being photographed or filmed but I keep a cool head by telling my self that at least I know they like my playing.

Some Japanese tourists however... The whole group came to my piano mid performance and positioned themselves one by one behind me while a designated photographer took pictures of them. I mean come on, at least ask if it's ok, give a tip. I'm not a rare attraction that need be documented, that s**t is distracting.
Image credits: SLOBaron

#26Honestly it's when the locals boast about knowing the owner. You already got a big discount. Stop asking for everything free you think you deserve.
Image credits: Vyperprogram

#27Regular guests that would interrupt you when dealing with other customers like they are more important.
Image credits: anonymous

#28Former manager here:

This is the same for any customer service field. If you have an issue, just come and ask us or tell us about it. There's no need to yell or scream, our job is to help you, and frankly, we want to help you and get you taken care of as soon as possible so we can go back to screwing around.

Screaming, at me, if anything, doesn't make me work faster. Doesn't make me want to do anything for you and there are incredibly few instances that I will actually "just comp a room." People fishing for a free room or free things is so god damn obvious to me. Working in hospitality made me such a petty person that I had to leave, but sometimes things are as simple as

"Hey, can I have a water?" "Sure, here have a bag, it has water and some pretzels and a candy bar."

as opposed to

"THAT PERSON GOT A LITTLE BAG WHEN THEY CHECKED IN! I DEMAND TO HAVE A BAG." "Well, those bags are actually for the members of our HHonors program. If you sign up online we can enter your number and you can start earning points. In fact, if you go over to our convienient business center, I'll start you off with the blue tier (just two waters) bag!" "THATS RIDICULOUS IVE NEVER BEEN TREATED LIKE THIS AND I STAY HERE ALL THE TIME!" "Ah well, that's what you've got to do to earn the bag. Also, when did you last stay here? I've worked 6 days a week for the last three years and I see nearly every guest that stays here, and I don't think I've seen you before." "Oh well... uhh, maybe it's not this one it's the one across the street." "Ah."#29Used to work in a very nice hotel, downtown in a heavy tourist-traffic city.

If you're staying in a nice hotel in the middle of one of the most traveled entertainment districts in the country, quit getting mad and acting surprised when EVERYTHING costs money. Yes, parking costs money, yes breakfast costs money.#30Hotel chef here. When people phone down for food from their rooms 1 minute before close because they were waiting until the last minute to get food.

If you're one of those people, it's your fault I hate everyone. #DealingWithNoisyGuests #TheCustomerIsKing #HotelWorkers #People #RudeCustomers
1What 2Worked 3T 4Guests 5Sex 6Any 7I 8As 9Was 10Worked 11I 12Former 13I 14I 15I 16This 17We 18Wedding 19Just 20Alot 21Valet 22I 23How 24I 25Hotel 26Honestly 27Regular 28Former 29Used 30Hotel DealingWithNoisyGuests TheCustomerIsKing HotelWorkers People RudeCustomers