Friday Favorites!!
When you start your run at 5:19 am, this is the best picture you can get;).
7.11 miles @ 8:24 average!
The kids wanted to go for a bike ride, so we loaded up…
And stopped for donuts along the way. I’ve been on a maple bar streak every time we go out for donuts for a while now.
The neighbors brought out their slip ’n slide for all of the kids to play on. This one is from Sam’s Club for $99 and it is awesome.
In the afternoon, Skye decided that racerback tanks look much better worn like this…
And my Thursday night—> sometimes you just cry a lot and put yourself to bed at the same time the 7-month-old goes to bed.
This week’s favorites are pretty awesome…
*$13 summer dress! YES PLEASE. I am wearing a medium! It is perfect for summer and comes in great colors.
Also, here are my BRAIDED SLIDES. I wear them every single day.
*I am actually kind of surprised over how awesome this snow cone machine is. We bought this for the kids for Christmas and it is already a summer staple. Whenever we go to get snow cones it ends up being $20 so I figured buying one would be worth it in the long run. It is SO easy to use and clean and it makes awesome snow cones.
*I’m no longer the snack packer;). I got the kids each a little bag for them to pack snacks if we are going to be gone for a while and have given them the responsibility. The snacks are at their eye level and they each have one of these awesome bags (I’m using one for my car essentials, pool essentials and makeup too)! They are awesome and so cheap.
*Jenny let me know about the Running Rogue podcast about the Shelby Houlihan situation and it was really good in case you are looking for more information.
*Samantha shared this awesome article with me about how to lace our running shoes, it is so helpful!
Do you tie your shoes in any of the above ways? Do you or have you ever had any feet problems?
Tell me something you are really looking forward to this weekend!
Any races this weekend? Any long runs?
How often do you wear dresses? Favorite place to get dresses?