Life Lately September
A month late and a whole lot of pics, but here is what life has looked like lately… minus all of my amazing clients!
Sweet Oli started dance class in September and it’s been pretty exciting! I feel like I owe an entire post to Oli dancing.
Anyone spy Oli!? lol! This is one of my favorite family photos… we stood outside of the restaurant to take a family photo, but Oli refused to stand with us!
Dress + Shoes
I’m FINALLY getting into a groove since last May… it’s take awhile to find it, but I think I’m getting there. Here’s a little snippet of what I wear (always sneakers b/c I spend most days on my feet) and below is a snippet of what my day to day looks like.
Monday through Friday:
5:30/6:15am depending on if I wash my hair and get ready before the kiddos are up. Take kids to school, grab coffee and home by 8:30am.
8:30-9:00am emails, tidy up or drive to my first location of the day.
9:00-3:00pm I’ll see clients and everyday is completely different, but I will say, my days do remain pretty busy and I’m constantly client facing: makeup lessons, trials (mother and brides), photoshoots, special occasions, etc. There’s always a need for makeup and hair in the queen city. If I’m not in front of clients, then I’m responding to emails, doing contracts, schedules, payroll, etc. Running the backend of the business can sometimes take as much time as being in front of clients.
3:00pm pick up the kiddos from school and sometimes I’ll see a client at 3:30pm. Once a week I will take an evening group makeup lesson. These typically run 3 hours and start around 6:00pm.
Saturday and Sunday’s:
Most Saturday’s I have weddings. I leave by 7:00/7:30am and get home around 3:00/3:30pm. My goal is to have at least one Saturday off a month. Working weekends is starting to get hard with the kiddos being in school.
Sunday’s: I try to take it off, but it’s hard during the spring and fall. I’ll take clients throughout the day. Today I had 2 clients, last Sunday I had 4 clients. It all just depends on the day. Again, I really TRY not to work on Sunday’s, but this time of year, I want to be there for my clients who have photoshoots and special events.
They miss each other a lot when they’re away from one another.
My girlfriend and I took our boys to Carowinds one Friday after school, and they loved it!
Oli has fallen in love with taking her backpack everywhere with her. Even during morning strolls.
Henry on the way to school. We leave around 7:35am every morning and drive to the neighborhood that attaches to our school (5 mins drive total). We park and then we walk to school in the mornings together. It’s my favorite time of my day!
September was HOT so we spent most afternoons in our swimsuit, running thru sprinklers and riding bikes and toys.
Henry’s artwork… he drew a picture of Mommy, Mommy’s makeup case and her client.
In September I lived in this dress from Anthro! I literally!! It runs big – I’m in an XS.
pic by Demi Mabry
Told you I lived in this dress
Mr. K’s date + park with friends.
Old started school on September 30th, so up until then she was my PIC!
Kindergarten school pics!
I love this crazy girl SO much!
Her hair is getting SO long!
Henry started soccer and the hubby started coaching!
Henry’s artwork is my favorite.
Sleeping Oli is almost as good as ballet Oli!
Guilty pleasure is getting my nails done! I love SNS!
We did our first ever safety walk to school and it was TOO CUTE! Oli had so much fun walking with the big kids and Henry thought it was super away to walk to school with all of his friends! Can’t wait to do it again next month!
On September 30th, 2019 our lives changed forever… Oli started school and despite the look on her face – SHE LOVES IT! We feel so fortunate for where Oli ended up and we’re so thankful for a wonderful “school” (daycare if you will!) environment. It’s a lovely place.
On Oli’s first day of school they also had school pics!
Henry got a new bike and helmet! He was SO proud to ride around with his neighborhood friends on his big bike. I of course was extremely depressed that he no longer will be riding his little spiderman bike.
In September SouthPark Mall launched Beauty Week and I was lucky enough to be part of it!
One of my favorite products by Hourglass – it’s basically a shimmery-glittery pigment for the eyes. I love color “Olive”!
Henry started a running/ race club that happens every Sunday for 5 weeks. They show up for warmups and then run in a little race. He LOVES it!
The biggest part of September was celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. It’s so crazy to believe we’ve been married for ten whole years. To be honest – this year has been a little tough and we don’t have a lot of sitters… so our tenth wedding anniversary was spent at home with our family and ordering takeout. John and I will be heading to Grove Park Inn (our favorite fall getaway) in a couple of weeks to celebrate. Other than a night away due to out of town weddings – we haven’t been away from the kids in over a year. We both had high hopes of doing a big trip, but nows not the time… but we’re looking forward to a night away in a few weeks!